Thursday, February 7, 2019

See No Evil

It's as if I have just become aware of my surroundings, as if I've just zoned back in after a decade of mindlessly staring into an abyss. I wasn't very far off. What I saw before me was tragic yet strangely beautiful, appealing to an aesthetic I never knew I had. A calm chaos had engulfed all of Islamabad, or at least the North-Western sectors. As I mindlessly walk down Margalla Road, I turned my head sideways towards where the once lush Margalla Hills stood, looming over the ever-growing planned city, now reduced to barren expanse, waves of fire blew ashes onto the city below. The calm I felt was unnatural, I should be worried, I should be running to get home, to make sure everyone's okay, Yet my strides remained slow and steady, as if I had not a care in the world, It was after what I can only assume was an eternity that I saw remnants of society, there wasn't much left. One sole rotting corpse in the driver's seat of a Suzuki Mehran dead center of an intersection, staring straight ahead as if still waiting for the light to turn green. His eyes were gone, only empty craters remained. I decided to turn left and walk past Saad's house, would he still be there? It turns out I'll never know because the steady stream of blackish red liquid coming from underneath the door onto the driveway was more than enough for me to reel in my curiosities and head home. I did come across a familiar face on the way home, well whatever was left of it as I spot a dismembered Umar on the edge of the sidewalk, next a makeshift fire with a spit above it. I'll let your imagination piece that together the rest. And so we enter street 36, I walk through the gate-less entrance and straight through the main door, knowing very well I won't be able to maintain my  seemingly apathetic demeanor if I see Goldy in any state near to those I've seen so far. So I gave in, and let my body lead me through my silent house, where the screams of the suffering once echoed through the halls, only to fall on deaf ears. Not having the heart to check any other room, my body swept me away to the room in front of the stairs, my room. I was tired, And so I walked in. The moment I stepped foot into the room is when I lost control of every part of my body, chills ran down my spine as I caught a glimpse of a figure, curled up on the mattress. As I lay down next to the figure and turned-over, I find myself staring into the empty sockets of my own lifeless eyes

Thursday, June 21, 2018

What is this place?

Hello dear reader, as you may already know by the introductory column, this blog is dedicated to my nightmares. When I was a child I would dream a lot, however as I got older, the frequency of my dreamless nights increased and for a solid few years, I would rarely dream in my slumber. A few months ago this situation drastically changed, as I started to encounter some problems in my personal life regarding family, friends, loved ones etc. I started to get very frequent nightmares, however unlike any of the nightmares I had ever experienced before, the intensity of these nightmares often caused me to wake up screaming or crying uncontrollably. At this point I have sort of grown used to them and have started appreciating the amount of detail in every one of these experiences and have decided to share my nightly horrors. However this initial post also serves as a warning, my posts will often involve graphic imagery, mild profanity and are not for the faint of heart. I will do my very best to describe the sensations I feel as accurately as possible and if I am able to describe a sensation by comparing it to a real life situation, such as comparing a sound I may have heard, I will link it in the post like this. Now without further ado, my nightmares await.